How To Create Marketing That Actually Sells
How To Create Marketing That Actually Sells
Marketing seems like it’s a very difficult thing to succeed at, especially for small business owners. However, there are some very simple tips that can truly assist your business to create marketing that actually works.
The idea of marketing is to create something that conveys your products or services in a way that will offer customers value enough to make them want to buy from you. This might seem like something that’s far beyond your reach, but it all comes down to common sense in the end.
Receiving A Message Vs Or Paying Attention To It
The first tip for you is this. There is a huge difference between a potential customer receiving your brand message, and someone paying attention to it.
TV and radio are perfect examples of this. I know that when I am in the car driving and listening to the radio, I skip channels when they play ads. When watching TV, I do the same, as do many other people. It is the simple thing of even though we are hearing or seeing the ads, it doesn’t mean we are paying attention to them.
However, if an ad comes on that introduces you to something you need, things change. This is the crucial point of this tip – create a great message for the right people. If you stopped your campaigns immediately, would people miss them? Are they boring campaigns? Are they exciting campaigns?
To answer these questions, you need to understand why boring marketing exists in the first place.
Boring is cheap, quick and easy!
In 2019, it’s very easy to be able to send boring marketing to 50,000 people. 20 years ago, to reach that many people, your business would have to be big with a lot of cash flow. Getting this wrong 20 years ago would have meant a business failure for sure, however today, it is barely pocket change to be able to reach these numbers, and that’s why businesses don’t focus so much on the content. This is the reason email junk inboxes are full of crap each day. Great content is the crucial element that will inspire at least some of those 50,000 people to respond to your content.
How Do You Get It Right?
The crucial step here is an alternative approach to all the other basic campaigns being produced by uncreative business owners across the globe. You need to shift the focus of your marketing so that the receivers of the campaign are the ones who benefit. Marketing has always been about building your business, however, customers need products and services, and if you know who your market is, then all you need to do to get them to buy from you is offer them what they need.
For this to work, it needs to offer value.
By sharing real value to your customers, your business can grow a valuable marketing asset, instead of sharing unwanted junk mail messages. If you convert to this kind of value-driven marketing in 2019, your business will improve beyond recognition.
Want to know more? We can help you create fantastic creative content. Contact us for a free quote today!
Marketing seems like it’s a very difficult thing to succeed at, especially for small business owners. However, there are some very simple tips that can truly assist your business to create marketing that actually works.
The idea of marketing is to create something that conveys your products or services in a way that will offer customers value enough to make them want to buy from you. This might seem like something that’s far beyond your reach, but it all comes down to common sense in the end.
Receiving A Message Vs Or Paying Attention To It
The first tip for you is this. There is a huge difference between a potential customer receiving your brand message, and someone paying attention to it.
TV and radio are perfect examples of this. I know that when I am in the car driving and listening to the radio, I skip channels when they play ads. When watching TV, I do the same, as do many other people. It is the simple thing of even though we are hearing or seeing the ads, it doesn’t mean we are paying attention to them.
However, if an ad comes on that introduces you to something you need, things change. This is the crucial point of this tip – create a great message for the right people. If you stopped your campaigns immediately, would people miss them? Are they boring campaigns? Are they exciting campaigns?
To answer these questions, you need to understand why boring marketing exists in the first place.
Boring is cheap, quick and easy!
In 2019, it’s very easy to be able to send boring marketing to 50,000 people. 20 years ago, to reach that many people, your business would have to be big with a lot of cash flow. Getting this wrong 20 years ago would have meant a business failure for sure, however today, it is barely pocket change to be able to reach these numbers, and that’s why businesses don’t focus so much on the content. This is the reason email junk inboxes are full of crap each day. Great content is the crucial element that will inspire at least some of those 50,000 people to respond to your content.
How Do You Get It Right?
The crucial step here is an alternative approach to all the other basic campaigns being produced by uncreative business owners across the globe. You need to shift the focus of your marketing so that the receivers of the campaign are the ones who benefit. Marketing has always been about building your business, however, customers need products and services, and if you know who your market is, then all you need to do to get them to buy from you is offer them what they need.
For this to work, it needs to offer value.
By sharing real value to your customers, your business can grow a valuable marketing asset, instead of sharing unwanted junk mail messages. If you convert to this kind of value-driven marketing in 2019, your business will improve beyond recognition.
Want to know more? We can help you create fantastic creative content. Contact us for a free quote today!