5 Ways Words Can Sell For You
There are so many ways that you can create content that sells products and services that you offer as a business, but when it comes down to it, there are just two words that we live by that ensure your copy sells. Those two words?
Simple Sells!Web copy has a few main rules to follow to make it successful and being simple is the biggest one. Harvard Business Review published an article called To Keep Your Customers, Keep It Simple, and this is so true that we live by it daily when we write copy. Simplicity is the key to getting messages across to a broader community.
Because when you push technical jargon to people who don’t understand it, they are either going to a) ignore it and move on or b) think your company or product is pretentious, and you will have no benefit either way.
That’s not to say you don’t need ‘technical jargon’ about your products and services. It’s also crucial to have that, just don’t try and sell with it.
Consumers on average, are average. So, you need to cater to the average consumer within your market. If your product has a simple explanation about what it does, a majority of people will be able to understand and be more likely to buy from you. If your copy is full of complicated technical information that hardly anyone understands, the chances of ordinary people being able to understand it and buy from you are minimal.
Even the most technologically advanced products in the world have a simple copy because if they didn’t no one would be interested in it. Take a look at this camera for example. It is the most technologically advanced camera ever built, but when you read about it on the company’s website, there isn’t much an average person can’t understand, right? The copy is simple and easy to understand. If it wasn’t, would you keep reading? This principle is precisely the same for everything from a plain white sticker for a label machine to the most technically advanced computers on the planet. If they want to sell it, people need to understand why they need it.
Why simplicity?
In this modern world, we have access to literally every bit of information available in an instant. We are a generation that cannot wait too long for information. We are a generation that even at university, we are able to fact check what professors are saying as they speak it, so when we buy things in 2018, we don’t want to have time wasted. Simplicity is no longer a luxury; simplicity is a necessity.
If you want to engage your consumers enough to inspire them to buy your products, you just need to keep your technique simple.
How do we keep copy simple? Well, we aren’t going to give you all the answers, but here are our methods put simply for you.
One Goal
When you hire us to write your copy, we have one specific goal in mind.
Everyone wants their copy to close a sale, however, until you have just one goal, it won’t work.
In simple marketing terms, the goal of the copy is a CALL TO ACTION. Your CTA is your purpose for the strategy to begin with.
You must know the purpose of each product, each service or each event you are selling. This is where it begins and ends.
One Audience
Simplicity relies on the singularity of purpose (as above) and singularity of your audience. Knowing who won’t buy your product or service is even more important than knowing who will. This is the simplest way to see who you are targeting for sales. Qualifying your audience allows you to narrow your focus, which will not only save you money (by not trying to appeal to the wrong market), but it will let you focus on the audience that matters.
One Conversation
Think about how you have a conversation with ordinary everyday people. Do you talk to them in technical terms and complicated sentences? If the answer is yes, then people probably don’t like having a conversation with you. Conversations need to be simple. When we talk, our words all flow, using verbs, nouns, and adjectives, but we use them simply, so we don’t confuse the conversation. Our communicating methods during real discussions are typically rhythmical, informal, natural and…you guessed it… simple!
On paper, however, we can often try and complicate things, and this is where our copy makes the most significant difference. Your copy needs to sound like a simple conversation, aimed at your one audience, with the one goal. It needs to be able to be read without overthinking what is being said.
If you find your copy is too complicated, we can edit for you, to make it simpler. That’s why we are so good at what we do. The best tool to combat complexity is a conversation. Read your copy out loud. If it doesn’t flow and has obvious conversational errors, it might just need to be simplified.
Try and steer clear of over technical words in your copy. Don’t be afraid to use big words, as long as people can understand them. This can be done by a simple explanation of the word. Make it worth their while, and it will seem more natural for them.
Simplicity Leads To Trust
Simple to read copy leads to knowing what the product is about, liking the information and trusting the seller. Trust, as we know, leads to sales.
If you have issues with making your copy conversational, that’s where we come in. Contact us below to see how we can assist.